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Heep Hong Society Participates in Hong Kong ASD Conference 2016: Supporting Learning and Development


Heep Hong Society has been in active collaboration with tertiary education institutes to conduct research. Five abstrcts were submitted to and accepted by the Hong Kong ASD Conference 2016: Supporting Learning and Development organised by the JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network. At the event on 7 July, three of the Society’s educational psychologists spoke at the seminars on on-campus group training and introduced the Happy Parenting programme to fellow professionals in the sector.

A research study on “Early Intervention & Integrated Support for Preschool Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)”
A research study on “Early Intervention & Integrated Support for Preschool Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)”
The Happy Parenting program for preschool children with developmental disabilities: A randomized controlled trial
The Happy Parenting program for preschool children with developmental disabilities: A randomized controlled trial
A brief mindfulness-based program for parents of pre-school children with developmental disabilities
A brief mindfulness-based program for parents of pre-school children with developmental disabilities
Effectiveness of the SCERTS model-based training for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A preliminary study
Effectiveness of the SCERTS model-based training for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A preliminary study
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